Rice-stuffed tomatoes with potatoes


Main course - Italy
by Rossana Del Santo Rossana Del Santo (2019)
Number of people 4
Preparation 60"
Gluten-free Nut-free Lactose-free/dairy-free Soy-free Vegetarian
  • 4 large tomatoes
  • 4 tablespoons rice
  • 8 basil leaves
  • 1 teaspoon unsalted capers
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 10 cl olive oil
  • Salt
  1. Slice off the tops of the tomatoes, put them to one side, and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Puree the pulp in a blender.
  2. In a large bowl, mix the pulp with the rice, capers and finely chopped basil.
    Leave to sit in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  3. Peel the potatoes and slice into wedges, place them in a bowl with a couple of tablespoons of oil and mix well to ensure they are evenly coated with the oil.
  4. Place the tomatoes in a dish greased with oil and set the potato wedges in the gaps between them. Fill the tomatoes with the rice mixture from the fridge, drizzle with oil and cover with the tomato tops. If any of the rice is left over, it can be placed on top of the potatoes, baking it will make it crunchy and tasty.
  5. Bake at 160°C. Occasionally moisten the rice inside the tomatoes (after removing the tops) with some of the juice released into the dish.

Oven bake for about one hour or until the rice is well cooked. Remove the tomato tops and bake for a further 10 minutes to allow the rice to dry out a little. Blast chill the tomatoes and reheat before serving.  

Did you know?

Stuffed tomatoes are cooked, encouraging the absorption of various antioxidants, such as lycopene, which has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system and belongs to the carotenoid family. Rich in water and low in calories, tomatoes have a whole host of health benefits, even when cooked.

Rice-stuffed tomatoes with potatoes

Nutritional advice

by Marco Silano
ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanità), Italian National Institute of Health

This is a healthy, balanced main dish. A version with no potatoes may be served as a starter followed by pasta or rice.

It is recommended to use little salt.